Wendy K. Cardali

[fac_icon icon="phone-square" color="#fff" color_hover="#7faaa5"] 646-520-4232
[fac_icon icon="envelope-square" color="#fff" color_hover="#7faaa5"] wcardali@fp.law
[fac_icon icon="building" color="#fff" color_hover="#7faaa5"] Long Island

Wendy Cardali is the managing partner for our Long Island office.  Since 1993 she has been representing clients in all facets of casualty defense litigation. Wendy has a wide range of experience in complex product liability and construction cases, as well as in toxic tort matters. She has authored and lectured on insurance topics at a variety of organizations, including the New York State Bar Association.

Prior to joining our firm, as a former Assistant Corporation Counsel for the City of New York, and Trial Attorney in the Torts Division, Wendy defended the City of New York in a diverse array of cases involving municipal liability and handled many of the City's heaviest exposure cases.







