Dharman Niles

Of Counsel
[fac_icon icon="phone-square" color="#fff" color_hover="#7faaa5"] 646-520-4208
[fac_icon icon="envelope-square" color="#fff" color_hover="#7faaa5"] dniles@fp.law
[fac_icon icon="building" color="#fff" color_hover="#7faaa5"] White Plains

Dharman Niles focuses his practice on liability insurance coverage and complex litigation matters at the trial and appellate levels.  Dharman also handles much of the firm's Connecticut practice, including insurance coverage litigation and civil defense.

Dharman has practiced in both New York and Connecticut, working on a variety of issues ranging from commercial litigation to business transactions. As a law student, Dharman served as the Student Director of the Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Center, where he organized and ran several conferences and symposiums on human rights and humanitarian law-related subjects. Dharman was also a staff writer for the Human Rights Brief - a student-published newsletter covering human rights campaigns around the globe.